Reveal Skin & Body's Winter Promotion: CIT Series of 3

image of woman with pigmentation receiving DermaPen 4 Microneedling at Reveal Skin & Body

Winter is the perfect time to give your skin extra love and attention, and we are thrilled to present our exclusive Winter Promotion: CIT Series of 3. This micro-needling treatment series offers a unique opportunity to enhance your skin's texture, tone, and overall radiance. But did you know that there can be additional benefits with each treatment in the series? Let's explore the potential advantages that unfold as you undergo this transformative journey.

First Treatment:

Igniting the Skin's Potential The initial micro-needling treatment is like a gentle awakening for your skin. It kickstarts the process of skin stimulation and initiates wound healing. As a result, collagen and elastin production are activated, leading to improvements in skin texture and firmness. You'll start to notice a renewed vitality and a smoother complexion emerging. A benefit of each treatment is that the microchannels created during micro-needling enable the deeper penetration of topical serums and creams. This heightened absorption amplifies the effectiveness of your skincare products, ensuring that your skin receives the maximum benefits from your routine.

Second Treatment:

Building Upon a Strong Foundation The second micro-needling treatment takes the progress made in the first session to new heights. Collagen production continues to flourish, fortifying the foundation laid by the initial treatment. Your skin's texture becomes even more refined, and fine lines and scars may improve further. The tightening effect becomes more noticeable, leaving your skin more toned and rejuvenated.

Third Treatment:

The Finishing Touches As you enter the final stage of the CIT Series of 3, the third micro-needling treatment refines and perfects the results achieved in the previous sessions. This session is designed to address any remaining skin concerns, ensuring that you achieve optimal results. The cumulative benefits of the series become more evident, and your skin experiences a comprehensive rejuvenation.

Lasting Effects: 

Unveiling Radiant, Youthful Skin By the third treatment, collagen remodelling is at its peak, resulting in more pronounced and longer-lasting effects. The improvements in skin texture, tone, and tightness become increasingly evident. Your skin reflects a revitalized radiance that lasts beyond the series, allowing you to embrace a more youthful and confident version of yourself.

It's essential to recognize that everyone's skin journey is unique. The benefits and progression may vary based on individual factors, such as your skin's initial condition and its response to the micro-needling treatments. Our highly skilled professionals at Reveal Skin & Body will assess your skin's needs and tailor the series to achieve the best possible outcome.

Reveal Skin & Body's Winter Promotion: CIT Series of 3 offers an exceptional opportunity to unlock your skin's potential. With each micro-needling treatment, you'll experience a gradual transformation, with benefits unfolding at every step. From stimulating collagen production to enhanced product absorption and refined results, your skin will undergo a remarkable journey towards rejuvenation. Embrace this winter season as a time of transformation and invest in your skin's radiance. Book a Free consultation today. 


Understanding Facial Pigmentation and Solutions


Silky Smooth, Hair-Free Skin