Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

All about sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is a common concern for many people, and various factors can cause it. One of the main contributors to sensitive skin is a compromised skin barrier.

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

Why is everyone talking about the skin barrier?

The skin barrier is a term that has gained popularity in the beauty industry in recent years and is the outermost layer of our skin, which plays a crucial role in protecting us from external factors such as environmental pollutants, UV radiation, and pathogens.

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

Hydrated Skin is Happy Skin

As we all know, our skin is the largest organ of our body and it requires proper care and attention to stay healthy and glowing. One of the most important aspects of skincare is hydration.

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

How to Tweak Your Skin-Care Routine for Spring

How to Tweak Your Skin-Care Routine for Spring,

Get rid of dull winter skin by exfoliating and moisturizing, then step into the season with a lighter cleanser and moisturizer, and more.

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

What Facials Can Do For Your Skin After Summer

As you put away your summertime swimwear to prepare for sweater weather, remember to give your skin some pampering. Warm days and time in the sun can take a toll on your skin’s health and appearance. Fortunately, a facial at Reveal Skin & Body can boost your complexion for the season ahead. Here are just some of the many benefits of post-summer facials. 

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

6 Tips for End of Summer Skin Care

As the seasons change, so do our skin needs. Summer has most likely taken a toll on all skin types, no matter how careful you were about sunscreen or chlorine exposure.

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

8 Tips for Summertime Skin

Beauty therapists spend summers underneath the same sun as the rest of us, but somehow their skin manages to stay clear and glowing all season long. Sure, it's part of the job description, but even the professionals have to work a bit harder to prevent breakouts and minimize sun damage during the summer months.

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Cindy Hooker Cindy Hooker

Spring Clean Your Skincare in 5 Simple Steps

We usually wait until “spring cleaning” time to do some serious detoxing. But the truth is that you can spring clean your beauty routine any time of the year.

The best time to detox your beauty products is right now.

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